This is the first chapter

#1 - I Write From Hell

Monday, February 20, 2017

Statutory Holiday

Today is Family Day in Ontario, Louis Riel Day out West.  I made roast beef and did more sculpture.  I'm thinking of how Ahrimaz's healing is going to go.  I'm not sure how many more therapy sessions I should present in detail.  

How many do you want?

He is probably going to settle into two or three personalities. Unless something significant happens that requires his integration he's going to go on as a multiple person in one body.

I have this book to finish, a sculpture that I want to show at a couple of conventions, and three costumes to finish before the beginning of April...  Not sure I'm going to manage it.

I have a Goddess post to do tomorrow, She is most insistent.

If you want to swing how this story goes, let me know. I will consider it.

Hugs to all.  Happy President's/Family/Louis Riel Day!


  1. Hard to answer "how many do I want"- but I'll tell you what, if I start feeling like the detailed therapy is getting to be a little much, I will say so.
