This is the first chapter

#1 - I Write From Hell

Monday, February 13, 2017

#70 - Like a Man On Fire, Chivvied Into the Water

"He won’t go into the barracks and lie down in a bed, will he?” Pelahir asked Limyé quietly.  The two men stood looking over the dimness that was the hay barn, barely large enough for the two elephants.

“No.  I am amazed that he made himself step out of the cell, the stage of healing he was at,” Limyé said. Pelahir’s smile flickered across his face and then fell away.  The elephants were dozing, with Jagunjagun lying down and Didara sleeping standing.  Ahrimaz lay coiled in his feather bag tucked next to Jagunjagun and Ologbon.  Sure and Teh and Heylia lay snuggled around the two men and even the mare  stood with her ears pinned back flat, head down just inside the door, as close as she could get without getting too close to the grey, snoring mountains that upset her.

“I don’t understand about the animals,” Pel said.  “They adored our Ahrimaz but this man has not loved animals, but rather tortured them.”

“Been forced to torture them.” Pelahir nodded acknowledgement of the Imaryan’s point.  “The moment he was out of that world, that whole world, he began changing.”

“To fit this one?”

“Possibly.  I don’t have enough information to do more than guess.”  Limyé shrugged.  “He’s becoming more and more like our Ahrimaz every day.  I am assuming our Ahrimaz is being similarly driven in the world of the Empire.”

“He’d hate it.  It would drive him crazy to…” Pel stopped. “Ah.  So… perhaps… can our world heal their Ahrimaz and can our Ahrimaz heal that world before both men go completely berserk?”

Limyé made another note in his book.  “It is entirely possible.  I am starting to wonder if I should be consulting more closely with the Priestesses about this.”

“There’s a Shaman who has settled here.  She works well with the young priestess in this village.”

“I shall have time to consult, I believe,” Limyé said, making another notation in his book.  “I heard the plowmen talking to you when they came in.”

“It is snowing again and the plows are behind. We’ll be here for most of a week, it looks like.” Pelahir shrugged again.  “So once you’ve spent some more time with our broken Ahrimaz, come join Teel and I at the barracks.  We have a very nice tea for you.”

“I shall bring along a small bottle of medicinal brandy that I have in my possession.”



I write from hell, albeit a hell that I now realize I have some control of, a hell that was forced onto and into my young mind and body by the monster.  The Scorching Demon herself.  In my father’s mind.  He took his own hell and poured it down my throat.

I… may be able to one day look at my actions without wanting to howl, to scream, to gnaw on my own limbs.  The scars on my forearms are both raw and I haven’t had an orgasm in days.  I’m not sleeping well, though my dreams – when I do not have foaming nightmares – are gentle.  Limyé gives me remedies that edge the whole world in gold or pink and blunt all the edges of my agony so that I have a chance of sleeping peacefully.

I imagine their Ahrimaz in my world.  Soft, emotional, decent, horrified by ruthless dispatch, disgusted by the violence expected of him… If Mother and Uncle and perhaps Arnziel… no, he’s too much a fool, they’d never talk to him if they discovered something so profoundly and potentially coercive.--  They would gleefully wring that Ahrimaz out and use him up to put themselves in power.  Uncle’s cadre are all military and when I was there, I would send them all out away from me in the hopes they’d get themselves killed.  He’d never managed that so he’s as dangerous as my brothers.  He wants to be Emperor, I know.  I wonder how this-Ahrimaz is handling that-Inné?

Did they find him out?  Did they expose him and let the nobles kill him and begin trying to put their own on the throne?  I don’t feel he’s dead.  And these people who say that he’s such a gentle person also say that they could see his violence and craziness merely exaggerated in me.  Does this mean I have the same capacity to love as he does?

I look at this battered, water damaged, ink-spattered little volume of my introspections and wonder if Teel would be interested, since his ripping me open exposé has neither brought howling mobs to rip me limb from limb, nor secret cadres of would-be rulers wanting me to figurehead an Empire here.  It did not even damage me, much.

Such an Imaryan idea.  Living an open, whole hearted life?  The idea terrifies me, so of course I’m certain that is the way I shall be driven, like a man on fire, blind to his own salvation, being chivvied into the water.

And like such a victim I am fighting them blindly burning them as they struggle to fling blankets about my flaming soul. I wish I could see my direction so that I could fling myself into my own salvation, but until then my eyes are firmly clenched shut to save them from melting down my face.

I shall have to share this gruesome image with Limyé.  He will make copious notes in his book and hear it all calmly, as he does everything.

It would be nice to not be running around with my symbolic hair on fire though, however metaphoric.

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