The rumble of the work
on the House of the Hand reached even down into the water rooms. All of Inné was taken with the novelty of gun
cotton and in the old quarry, it was suddenly creating all kinds of stone for
building use, and just north of the city someone had discovered a whole new
seam of hard coal that the gun cotton just opened up to everyone’s use. People were starting to call it Ahrimaz’s
Fire or Aeono’s Fluff.
Ahrimaz sat in the
hottest pool in the water rooms up to his chin, beard soaking in the steaming
water, watching the occasional ripples jiggle through what would normally have
been a still pool, and flinched, imagining the explosion so far away.
Didara said she and
Jagunjagun heard it as a basso chirrup and then a roll as if the earth were
drumming. Mostly pleasant.
Sure put her muzzle on
top of his head and hung her paws in the water on either side treating him as
though his head were a harder bolster on the edge of a pond. She licked her dewlaps and Ahrimaz snorted at
the sensation and noise and went under.
The dog managed not to
fall on him but looked very affronted when he re-surfaced, spitting sulphury
water at her.
Ahrimaz was clean but
he knew that if he got out of the water all the feelings, the pressure, the
tears he could feel like a band around his head and chewing all along the backs
of his cheekbones, would come pouring out.
He had no energy to bear that. He
sank down again, holding his breath, watching the water grow still, releasing a
bubble or two to fly up and become part of his underwater sky.
His lungs were
screaming at him by now and he ignored that pain. It was tiny compared to what he was used
to. But he knew, just as he’d known for
the girl, that it was not his time to drown, so he pushed up, bursting out of
the water, startling the dogs and landed sitting on the edge.
“I was starting to
wonder if I should interrupt,” Pelahir’s voice went from muffled to clear as
the water ran out of Ahrimaz’s ears. “So,
Shit-Head,” he asked. “How are you
Ahrimaz shrugged,
tilting his head away from the Cylak man as he settled next to him, naked. He’s
beautiful and my scorching dick is noticing.
“Aside from wanting to have sex with you,” Ahrimaz said, “I’m fine.”
“Ah.” Pel slid into
the water and then burst out, back up onto the edge almost in one motion. He’d washed clean before coming to soak and
water glistened on ever hair. He
smiled. “I’m a little bristly and I don’t
think I’m up for the kind of sex you want. Sorry.”
Ahrimaz nodded
abruptly. He still couldn’t manage to
come without some pain being involved.
Either his or someone else’s. His
hand scratched idly at his chin, tangled in the hair, then knotted in it. He turned to Pel. “I’d like to borrow your razor.”
“I can get you a new
one. Mine’s due for replacing. You keep pulling on it like that and you'll likely pull your face off." He paused a moment. "As long as you’re only planning to cut hair
with it.”
“Only hair. I swear…” he stopped, feeling the shape of
his face under the full beard. “You’ve
been keeping mirrors away from me, on Limyé’s orders haven’t you?”
“Yes, we have. You might have noticed the space in your room
where it used to stand.”
“I… I’m not sure I’d
be safe with my own hand on a razor and seeing this face.” He waved a hand in front of it.
Pel didn’t answer but
just sat silent for a while. “A barber?”
More watery, echoing
silence. “Would you trust my hand? Or
Yolend? Or Limyé?” Pel was apparently as interested in having
sex as Ahrimaz was, by the way his penis stood hard in the nest of his pubic
hair. Ahrimaz tore his eyes away,
turning away from Pel. His skin felt too
hot, too inflamed. As if Aeono would
burst through if Ahrimaz lost control of anything. He held his breath.
Pel waited until
Ahrimaz gasped, then held out a glass of water, with cold beads running down it
in this steamy atmosphere.
He took it, managed a
sip, then a gulp, before draining the glass – not precisely dry – but empty, at
the least. “Ru… Rutaçyen, I think,” he
managed to stammer. “Ink sword hand,
sword hand… good with a razor.”
“Good choice. I'm glad to see you willing to uncover your face, come out of hiding." He grinned. "I actually have a freshly sharpened razor for
you.” He threw a towel around his loins, to Ahrimaz’s exhaled relief, and threw
a cheerful, “I’ll be right back,” over his shoulder.
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