This is the first chapter

#1 - I Write From Hell

Thursday, March 16, 2017

#82 - Explosions, Dunkings and Investitures

News at the House of the Hand

-  By Teel James

Hand Press, Innéthel Printers, Spring, Year Two of Ahrimiar Kenaçyen’s Sitting

First this author must comment upon the recent explosion at the House.  The Innovators of the House had taken Ahrimaz’s comments concerning the so-called ‘gun cotton’ quite seriously, but apparently not seriously enough.

The research facility had made tiny amounts, based on the ideas that came out of the journey to greet the Rummmumalos Ambassadors and had proposed to make a rather larger quantity.

The Innovators, led by M'sieur  had planned for their demonstration to be in the open courtyard before the Great Hall until a late season ice storm had them move into the Hall itself.  The Emperor of Strange Inné, Ahrimaz, gracing the gathering after his regular morning training with Swordmaster Rutaçyen, was just straightening his cuffs when he entered and saw the quantity of gun cotton they were about to light.

His bellow of “NO! Out out, everyone out NOW!”
Undoubtedly saved a number of lives, since most witnesses had been in the military and reacted to the command with alacrity.  Ahrimaz leaped into the centre of the Hall where M'sieur Lachemi was just lighting the fuse, grabbed him and his assistant by the collar and bodily dragged them through the partially open doors and outside into the freezing rain, even as the flame reached the small pile of gun cotton and it exploded.

Of the hundred or so people, already fleeing the hall when the gun cotton went off, forty-one were trapped in the rubble of the galleries crumbling.  Four elderly people who either did not hear, or react in time, were killed outright in the blast.

Ahrimaz and the Innovators were all three injured slightly by the doors of the Hall as they were blown off their hinges and splintered.  Everyone had their hearing damaged to some degree, the Liryen priesthood and the Imaryan healers report, but it should come back in a few days.

This reporter heard, with his own somewhat damaged ears, Ahrimaz say to the dazed Innovator, M’sieur Lachemi, “Didn’t I tell you?  What did I tell you?”  All three lay on the ice covered cobbles, half buried in enormous gilded splinters that could have, with a bit more energy behind them, become lethal weapons.

“M’sieur… I should have attended more carefully.  Emilié, take a note.”

“What? Oh, yes M’sieur.”

We encourage the researchers and Innovators to not disregard the information supplied to them, especially in regards to the safety of Innéan citizens.

We also thank the Rummmamalos Ambassadors for their invaluable assistance in freeing our citizens from the mostly ruined centre block of our Governmental House.

The committee for Maintenance and Repair are already discussing the logistics of rebuilding the public venue.

Healing of the Emperor: Continues

-  By Teel James

Hand Press, Innéthel Printers, Spring, Year Two of Ahrimiar Kenaçyen’s Sitting

The spectacle yesterday, of Didara the Curious, carrying a screaming, cursing flailing Ahrimaz, through the town hoisted up to near second story height, by one ankle, is easily explained.

The House healer Limyé explained that the Emperor made an abortive attempt at self-harm while in the Ambassador’s presence and when prevented, proceeded to argue with Didara. Unfortunately things escalated until the Ambassador acted, with both dispatch and alacrity.

This reporter was first made aware of the incident when the howling Emperor was carried, swinging, past the Broadsheet’s glass windowsHis coat hung inside out over his head and muffled the worst of his invective and impecunious language.  This reporter rushed outside and proceeded to follow the Ambassador as she carried Ahrimaz down to the river and proceeded to dunk him in the icy water to, as I later ascertained, “Cool his head.”

She then placed him, dripping and mortified, upon her back and calmly walked back to the Ambassadorial Hall and the hot pool in their reception theatre, where this reporter was barred from immediate entry.

Ahrimaz declined to explain, when interrogated later, turning an intriguing shade of embarrassment red.  This reporter intends to continue following the healing of Ahrimaz, and continue training with the man.

The High Priestess of the Veil, the honourable Mara d’Rom, has accepted Ahrimaz into the ranks of her priesthood, his investiture to proceed later in the spring when the weather turns.  

 “We don’t want to give our new priestesses and priests lung thick by having them go into the Veil when it is freezing,” she said.  “However much we pride ourselves in controlling the water temperature around us, acolytes and students and new clergy often have difficulties there, so of course we take that into consideration.  Ahrimaz will be re-invested, since he, in his other incarnation, was invested as a priest of Liryen then.”

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