This is the first chapter

#1 - I Write From Hell

Who Is Whom?

In order of appearance first 6 Chapters

Ahrimaz Kenaçyen - Emperor of Inné/Hand of the People

Limyé Ianmen - Imaryan healer of the Hand and his family

Pelahir the Cylak - A paladin/champion of his people. In this world one of Ahrimaz's lovers/husband

Yolend out of Yhom - Ahrimaz's wife, also a warrior

Arnziel Kenaçyen - youngest son of the old Emperor/Hand

Inné - The country. In one world it is the Empire in the other it is the Republic and the centre and the founder of the Coalition.

Innéthel - the capitol city of Inné

Kinnourae - in the Empire he is Ahrimaz's body servant/slave

Sen-Grand - Knight class derived from 'Senator-Grand', supported by five villages.

Sen-Lume - 'Senator-Luminous', Commander of twenty Sen-Grands (thus supported by a hundred villages)

The Flamen - The God Sword of Empire that sets things on fire in a Kenaçyen's hands

Ahriminash Kenaçyen - Second born. In Republic he's captain of the Innéan Guard.  In the Empire, he's dead, killed by Ahrimaz.

Malak - their version of coffee

Aeono - High God. (Tiger Master, Holy Sun, Burning Eye, Lion of the Sky)

Liryan - High Goddess/Demon Witchmaster in the Empire. (Tiger Mistress, Lady of Water, Snow Bearer)

Ahrimiar the First - First Emperor/Man Who Would Usurp the Vote

Ahrimaz the First - (his nephew forced to renounce his mom)


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